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Olathe Transfer Station
WCI was contracted by the City of Olathe to remove all existing damaged exterior wall/roof paneling and replace with new 26 gauge metal panels. The existing canopy at the office area was disassembled for wall paneling replacement, rebuilt and skinned with architectural standing seam roof panels and flush profile soffit panels. The Building is aprx 9,000 square feet with a 50' eave height at the southern endwall. WCI supplied and installed fiberglass eave lights to bring in natural lighting for the City's operations as well. Project Completion November 2017.

After WCI
North Endwall

Before WCI
Existing North Endwall prior to demo

After WCI
West Sidewall

Before WCI
West Sidewall

After WCI
South Endwall

Before WCI
South Endwall prior to demo

After WCI
East Sidewall

Before WCI
East sidewall prior to demo
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